Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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Kért forditàsok - darkness_imp

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Erdmények 1-10 a teljesböl korülbelül 10
Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".
Angol dear ahmet
dear ahmet hope you ok how is your study going i have sent you some pics of deb and i when we were in turkey 3 weeks ago shame we could not have met up would have been so nice to see you again remember marmaris!!!!!!!!!!!!

Befejezett forditàsok
Török Sevgili Ahmet
10Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".10
Angol I wiil..
I will e-mail who I like, when I like. Your english has improved 100% overnight ! WOW. Jelousy and paranoia make insecure people.

Befejezett forditàsok
Török Ä°stediÄŸim zaman ...
Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".
Török tehlikeli ise uzak dur o zaman
tehlikeli ise uzak dur o zaman sende bende rahat edelim

Befejezett forditàsok
Angol stay away if it's dangerous
Nyelvröl forditàs
Török ahmet yada ben hiç farketmez sonuçta o benim...
ahmet yada ben hiç farketmez sonuçta o benim sevgilim ve onun adresi benimde adresim bir farkı yok

Befejezett forditàsok
Angol it doesn't matter at all
Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".
Angol Ok no problem, but it would have been nice if...
Ok no problem, but it would have been nice if Ahmet had of replied and not you as it is his e-mail address, not yours !!

Befejezett forditàsok
Török Tamam, sorun deÄŸil